The power of the Turkish passport is consistently gaining recognition as one of the world’s most influential travel documents. In fact, in 2023, the Turkish passport continues to offer its bearers a multitude of benefits, ranging from easy global mobility to substantial international business prospects. Therefore, this article will discuss the numerous benefits of holding a Turkish passport in 2023. Moreover, particularly its visa-free and visa-on-arrival provisions, its global diplomatic missions, dual citizenship allowance, and easy access to USA’s E1 and E2 visa programs.

Turkey Passport: Visa-Free Countries

The power of the Turkish passport in terms of global travel has grown impressively. In fact, Turkish passport holders now (2023) have visa-free access to over 123 countries (including the ones that only require e-visa and apply for visa-on-arrival) and territories. Moreover, this includes countries like Brazil, Japan, South Korea, and Ukraine. Certainly, this benefit enables Turkish citizens to travel extensively without the hassle of acquiring a pre-arranged visa.

List of Visa-free (including e-visa and visa-on-arrival) countries for Turkish passport holders:

1.                    Albania 43.           Haiti 85.      Paraguay
2.                    Angola* 44.           Honduras 86.      Peru
3.                    Antigua and Barbuda 45.           Hong Kong 87.      Philippines
4.                    Argentina 46.           Indonesia* 88.      Qatar*
5.                    Armenia* 47.           Iran 89.      Rwanda*
6.                    Azerbaijan 48.           Jamaica 90.      Saint Kitts and Nevis
7.                    Bahamas 49.           Japan 91.      Saint Lucia
8.                    Bangladesh* 50.           Jordan 92.      Samoa*
9.                    Barbados 51.           Kazakhstan 93.      Sao Tome and Principe
10.                Belarus 52.           Kenya* 94.      Senegal*
11.                Belize 53.           Kosovo 95.      Serbia
12.                Bolivia 54.           Kuwait* 96.      Seychelles*
13.                Bosnia and Herzegovina 55.           Kyrgyzstan 97.      Sierra Leone*
14.                Botswana 56.           Laos* 98.      Singapore
15.                Brazil 57.           Lebanon* 99.      Somalia*
16.                Brunei 58.           Lesotho* 100.             South Africa
17.                Burkina Faso* 59.           Libya* 101.             South Korea*
18.                Burundi* 60.           Macao 102.             South Sudan*
19.                Cambodia* 61.           Madagascar* 103.             Sri Lanka*
20.                Cape Verde* 62.           Malawi* 104.             St. Vincent and the Grenadines
21.                Chile 63.           Malaysia 105.             Sudan*
22.                Colombia 64.           Maldives* 106.             Suriname
23.                Comoros* 65.           Marshall Islands* 107.             Taiwan*
24.                Congo (Dem. Rep.)* 66.           Mauritania* 108.             Tajikistan
25.                Costa Rica 67.           Mauritius 109.             Tanzania*
26.                Cote d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast)* 68.           Mexico* 110.             Thailand
27.                Cuba* 69.           Micronesia 111.             Timor-Leste*
28.                Djibouti* 70.           Moldova 112.             Togo*
29.                Dominica 71.           Mongolia 113.             Tonga*
30.                Dominican Republic 72.           Montenegro 114.             Trinidad and Tobago
31.                Ecuador 73.           Morocco 115.             Tunisia
32.                Egypt* 74.           Mozambique* 116.             Tuvalu*
33.                El Salvador 75.           Namibia* 117.             Uganda*
34.                Equatorial Guinea 76.           Nepal* 118.             Ukraine
35.                Eswatini 77.           Nicaragua 119.             Uruguay
36.                Ethiopia* 78.           Nigeria* 120.             Uzbekistan
37.                Fiji 79.           North Macedonia 121.             Vanuatu
38.                Gabon 80.           Oman* 122.             Venezuela
39.                Gambia 81.           Pakistan* 123.             Zambia*
40.                Georgia 82.           Palau* 124.             Zimbabwe*
41.                Guatemala 83.           Palestinian Territories  
42.                Guinea* 84.           Panama  

*Country that applies easy e-visa or visa-on-arrival.

How many global diplomatic missions that Turkey has across the world?

Above all, the strength and power of the Turkish passport can also be attributed to Turkey’s expansive diplomatic missions worldwide. Turkey ranks among the top five countries with the number of diplomatic missions abroad. In fact, as of 2023, Turkey maintains more than 258 diplomatic and consular representations in 147 countries, globally. Certainly, these embassies and consulates serve Turkish citizens abroad by offering invaluable services such as emergency assistance, legal aid, and consular services. Moreover, these ensure peace of mind for Turkish citizens traveling or residing overseas. For instance, imagine getting your passport and all identity documents stolen in a foreign country. Does you origin country have a worldwide support system with 258 diplomatic missions?

Does Turkey Allow Multiple Citizenships?

Most importantly, Turkey stands among the nations that allow not only dual but also multiple citizenships, further amplifying the power of the Turkish passport. In other words, Turkish citizens are permitted to hold other nationalities alongside their Turkish citizenship. Certainly, this provides numerous potential benefits. For instance, broader global mobility, greater economic freedom, and access to social and economic benefits in multiple countries.

Above all, is it Possible to Access USA’s E1 and E2 Visa Programs via Turkey Passport?

Certainly, a notable advantage of the Turkish passport in 2023 is its eligibility for USA’s E1 and E2 visa programs. To clarify, these visas allow Turkish citizens to engage in substantial trade or invest in a business in the United States. Moreover, the E1 Treaty Trader visa and the E2 Treaty Investor visa are valuable assets for Turkish entrepreneurs and investors aiming to tap into the world’s largest economy. Certainly, this increases the power of the Turkish passport.

Moreover, What are the Additional Benefits of the Turkey Passport?

In addition, the Turkish passport also grants its holders access to the nation’s top-tier healthcare services. Moreover, the right to work, live, and benefit from social security within Turkey’s burgeoning economy and rich cultural environment.

Furthermore, Turkey’s strategic location, bridging Europe and Asia, makes it a central hub for international business and trade. In fact, the Turkish passport essentially serves as a key to these vast opportunities. In other words, this makes it a valuable asset for those in the business and investment sectors.

Finally, it is fairly easy to open a bank account in Turkey and benefit interest rates, as well as other financial opportunities. Many of our clients divide their assets after getting their new Turkish names and surnames at the end of the citizenship process. Thus, they use their ID cards and passports with new names to open bank accounts.

Turkey Passport: Conclusion

In conclusion, the power of the Turkish passport in 2023 offers substantial benefits, extending beyond merely being a travel document. It serves as a gateway to global mobility, international business prospects, and rich cultural experiences. At Turk Fortune, we are here to help you navigate and capitalize on the opportunities presented by this powerful passport. Explore the world with Turk Fortune and the power of the Turkish passport today!

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