INCOME TAX TURKEY: Rental Income Tax

INCOME TAX TURKEY: Rental Income Tax

Congratulations, if you have purchased a property in Turkey and rented it out to a tenant who regularly pays the rent! But do you know that now you are a taxpayer in Turkey? In this article, we briefly explained some details about the income tax in Turkey. Income Tax...
Capital Gains Tax and Tips to Sell Property in Turkey

Capital Gains Tax and Tips to Sell Property in Turkey

Selling a property can be a complex process, especially when it involves a country without an escrow system. Whether you’re an expat looking to sell your investment property or a homeowner planning to relocate, understanding the intricacies of the Turkish real...
PROPERTY TURKEY: Taxes, Fees, Restrictions and Cost

PROPERTY TURKEY: Taxes, Fees, Restrictions and Cost

In this article, we will be explaining the real cost of purchasing a property in Turkey. As a natural result of the Turkish citizenship program, the most popular option is, investing $400,000 in real estate. Certainly, smart investors want to be well-informed about...